Our Daily (G)races

Training to be the best wife, mom, runner, and person I can be each and every day....

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday's Thankful list

1.  Emma, Jonah, and Samuel all had Thanksgiving Feasts at school today.  That meant I did not have to pack lunches.  Why is it so much worse packing lunch for school than it is to make lunch on Saturday and Sunday?  So weird!

2.  Today was a rest day.  I was so happy to sleep in this morning.  Then this afternoon I was itching to run because it was so nice.  I need to remind myself of that feeling tomorrow at 5:30am!

3.  Homemade lasagna...enough said!

4.  Duck Dynasty...super sad statement about my life, but the show is flat out hilarious!

5.  My mom is here... two weeks of fun, shopping, cooking, eating, and visiting!  YEAH!!

Today's picture is of my mom...

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