Our Daily (G)races

Training to be the best wife, mom, runner, and person I can be each and every day....

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Embracing 2013

I know most or all people begin working on resolutions on  January 1 or 2, but not me.  I like to be different and wait a week!  In reality, I ran the marathon on January 1 and we left the next day for Nashville.  We were still on break and I had no desire to focus on new and different until we got home and back into our routine.  Reality was last night and so today begins 2013 for me!

As I did last year, I picked a word to guide me this year.  Last year it was FOCUS.  I focused on being in the moment, loving my children more, simplifying our home, using my gifts to serve others, and keeping my eyes and heart open to new things.  I personally think I did a decent job of focusing on things, but as with most things, I could have done better.  I will say I thought about this word frequently and let it guide me on many occasions.

I actually thought about keeping the same word.  It has merit, but ultimately I knew it would become stale quickly and not have the same meaning for me.  So, after much thought and prayer I decided on EMBRACE. 

I spent almost half of last year fighting my life and me in general.  I did not want to be living in Texas.  I avoided acknowledging injury and fought it.  I wanted things to be different and was constantly annoyed that forcing things to be different was not working.  It took so much mental and emotional energy that I exhausted myself before I did anything hard.  This year has to be different for me.  So, I will embrace my life as it is. 

I have a wonderful life in Texas...a great home, a wonderful church, and a solid support system of friends.  I want family, but now is not the time in my life so I am going to embrace my life and live it to the fullest. 

Drew and my little people are amazing.  I love them dearly.  Sometimes the day to day moments are exhausting.  More than sometimes if I am being honest.  But, God has blessed me with such a good life and I plan to embrace them and it.  Even the yuck is worth it because it means I have people to love and people that love me back. 

If my house is cluttered, I will embrace it.  If I manage to get things cleaned out and simplified kudos to me. 

I have a crazy hard (for me) training plan for the next eight weeks.  I asked for it and I am going to embrace it.  Honestly, it scares the crap out of me, but I love it at the same time.  If the times I hope to run don't come, oh well.  Truly I mean that.  I plan to work my butt off to achieve my goals, but if they don't happen there will be a next time.  I will embrace what I was given on that day.

Life is such a journey.  I am slowing learning that I can only control so much of the journey and I just have to embrace the rest of it.   I just feel like 2013 is going to be a wonderfully exciting year for me and my family.
Family pic from Nashville


  1. Perfect perspective. We could all use a little more embracing of our lives. And I am proud of you for asking for that plan, you can handle it!

  2. You're awesome Kortni and I know if you EMBRACE these goals, you'll get 'em!

  3. Embracing life is hard to do sometimes, but it makes each victory sweeter. Love your honesty with yourself here. You WILL have a wonderfully exciting year!

  4. I LOVE that family picture! Just beautiful! I like how you pick a word to focus on each year. What a great way to remember throughout the year what quality you want to work on. There are a lot of things in my life I need to embrace. :-) Thanks for sharing this!!
