Our Daily (G)races

Training to be the best wife, mom, runner, and person I can be each and every day....

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Learning more about Emma

Today Emma had her gymnastics evaluation.  It helps her coaches assess her skills for the upcoming season and it gives the girls a real meet simulation.  This year an actual judge came which made it even more "real!"

Emma has worked really hard the past few months because she really wants to get past level four quickly.  Her goal is to compete level four this fall and hopefully make it to the state meet.  She wants to be ready for level five by the end of January.  So, Emma was quite focused on today.

I take Emma and Jonah to the gym almost every day, but I rarely stay to watch.  So, I have not seen Emma work on routines in weeks.  I loved seeing her progress.  Overall, she did really well.  Her tumbling is much improved.  Her bar routine is now connected and she has her jump to the high bar straight.  She has worked really hard to improve her leaps on the beam and that is where she got into trouble today.

Emma has not fallen hard on the beam in years.  She obviously falls off, but again she has not done that at a competition in a very long time.  In fact, beam is generally her highest scoring event despite liking vault much more.  Today Emma fell on her split jump and she fell hard.  I was video taping her routine and I actually dropped my phone.  My heart definitely ached for her, but I knew she was not hurt badly.  It wasn't that kind of fall.  But, it was a hard fall and it surprised her.

Emma is not always the toughest cookie.  She gives up sometimes a little too easily.  But, I know she has gumption in her because she is related to me and Drew.  My mom heart has never been more proud of Emma when in the gym than I was today.  Emma took a quick second to take a big breath, she squared her shoulders, and climbed back on the beam.  The last half was not a clean as the first half, but she did it.  I can't even express how proud I was of her.  The tears waited until she completed her dismount.  Then she just let her coaches and teammates support her.  Then she got ready to vault.  She ended perfectly!

Emma knew she had to get back up and she did.  Toughness, determination, heart....Emma displayed it all today and she did it with such grace!

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