Our Daily (G)races

Training to be the best wife, mom, runner, and person I can be each and every day....

Monday, December 15, 2014

The end of Samuel's season

Saturday afternoon was Samuel's last flag football game.  His team, the Lions, played 9 regular season games and 3 playoff games.  The boys learned so much and improved greatly throughout the season, but definitely did not win much.  In fact they won two games until the playoffs. 

As the season progressed the boys gravitated toward certain positions.  They all still played different positions at times, but Samuel was the running back on most offensive plays and an outside rusher on defense.  Occasionally he was the quarterback.  After the last game I really wished I had kept better track of Samuel's individual accomplishments during the season....lesson learned!

after the first game in October
Now, I know this is 1st grade flag football, but I was still so proud of Samuel and I will brag a little bit.  He worked really hard at practice, was a good teammate, and listened to his coaches.  It was a great season to lay the groundwork for future growth as a football player. 

Drew and I tried to figure out last night how many touchdowns Samuel scored over the course of the season.  The team was shut out during two games.  So, we think in the other 11 games Samuel scored 26 touchdowns....at least.  We both lost track of how many 1 or 2 point conversions he scored and how many other runs he had.  I have to become a stat taker next fall!

Friday night the Lions lost playoff game number one.  On Saturday the Lions won their second playoff game.  It was quite the shock and very exciting.  The boys were beyond thrilled to have finally won another game.  The bummer was they had to play immediately after that game. So, seven tired boys tried to win another game, but lost.  That team actually went on the win the playoffs.  They were very good.  During the playoffs Samuel scored 8 touchdowns and 4 two point conversions.  Offense definitely seems to be his thing.
Samuel is on the end

After the game and Samuel realized the season was over and he was so sad.  There was no cheering him up for the longest time.  

Our next adventure with Samuel is coach pitch baseball.  I know he will love it, but we will be back on the football field next fall.  I can't wait!!

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