Our Daily (G)races

Training to be the best wife, mom, runner, and person I can be each and every day....

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Life since we've been home

Goodness, it has been a while since I documented anything about our little life. Trust me when I say we have been busy!  A little too busy to end our summer....

Since returning home two weeks ago we have had no grand adventures. I think we did and saw so many awesome things this summer that we needed to rest. And, we...especially the kids...have needed the past two weeks to really be thankful for their summer. They, unlike any of their friends, traveled and did beyond expectations. I wanted Emma, Jonah, Samuel, and Elena to realize how blessed they are!

However, with two weeks of summer remaining we had to do something. Staying home each day does not work for us. So, we had many play dates...many, many play dates for them and me. We all needed to catch up with our friends!  We have been to the pool almost daily. I have four little fish who ask to go swimming daily. And, we have prepared for school to begin. The big day for each of them is Monday. 

I am still injured and not running. The past month or so without running has sucked to be perfectly honest. I have tried and it has been awful both times.  I finally went to the doctor today...Dr. Cannon to the rescue I hope. He believes, as I thought and as indicated by clear x-rays, that I have a bursitis in my hip. This time around I will say that the pain and discomfort has been crazy bad. I am again on mega doses of steroids for six days.  This treatment worked last year so I pray it does again. As for my early December marathon....I have all but bagged that plan. 

The other crazy thing that has happened since coming home is no pictures. Today was the first time I took any pictures and Elena still wouldn't look at me. I would have thought a two week break from picture taking would have helped that....

We went to Buzzles after the gym. Buzzles is a shaved ice shack with over 100 flavors plus toppings. 

To my shock the kids decided immediately.  Not shocking is that they want to go back weekly. I can't say I blame them. It was tasty. Samuel had Ninja turtle. Emma had piña colada. Jonah had rainbow. Elena had Cinderella and I had chocolate. 

Tomorrow is our last official day of summer vacation. The weekend does not really count. I plan to make the minutes count!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you heal quickly. We start school Monday too. So sad!
