Our Daily (G)races

Training to be the best wife, mom, runner, and person I can be each and every day....

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Rough Start

This morning I woke up late.  Friday is the only day of the week I sleep in and by sleep in I mean usually 6:30am.  Every other day I am up between 4:45 and 6 to run.  I love Fridays.  As much as I love running, I also like sleeping!

Anyway, this morning was my day to sleep and sleep I did....way too late.  Emma woke me up at 6:55....holy crap!  The bus comes at 7:25 and I had not made lunches, woke Jonah, fixed Emma's hair, and given breakfast to anyone.  Today was picture day at school so there was a little extra pressure for Emma and Jonah to look extra cute.  The pressure was all mine, but I was feeling very pressured for time to get them looking cute!

I was immediately snappy with everyone to get moving which was totally unfair.  Me waking late was all my fault no matter how much I wanted to blame anyone else.  It was also not Emma and Jonah's fault, but I was still cranky with everyone.  Having dear Elena walk out of her room at 6:55 did not help much.  Good heavens that is early for her. 

I got all my tasks finished with lots of barking happening and it was not from the dog.  I felt really kind of yucky when they got on the bus.  I hate being that mom and then sending them off for the day.  I really wanted to restart my day!

Cute was achieved and these hastily taken pictures do not do the cuteness factor justice!

But, them looking cute still did not make me totally happy!  I sat down to look at my email really needing to read a wonderful devotion.  I was hoping for a readjusted attitude and I found one.  It is wonderful that God hears us and I had an immediate answer to my pray.  My day could be reset and I was so thankful.

The devotion was entitled New Mercies.  That was just what I needed to see.  This is just what I needed to read....

Sometimes I want to push reset and start my day over again. Mornings when everything seems to go wrong and frustration peaks before the sun fully does. I doubt any of us wake up wanting or intending for the day to run amuck. Yet, often it happens.

 Lamentations 3:21-23 came to my mind. The Bible says,
“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

Maybe it’s a spouse who pushed your buttons already today, a friend who hurt your feelings, or a child who is making you crazy and can easily set your day askew. Before those hurtful words leave your heart, take a moment and claim new mercies. Ask God to give you proper perspective and realize that most of what we find ourselves frustrated about really will not matter in a couple of hours. Time is a funny thing. In the moment everything seems to be a big deal. Looking back, few things really are worthy of the emotional energy we give to them.

 Wow!  Thank you God for that little reminder! 

I had to read to Jonah's class today so I was able to give him an extra hug during the day.  I stopped in the lunch room to see Emma and I gave her a quick hug.  That helped me feel better about the morning.  I really happy to see their smiling faces. 

My day had been reset hours earlier, but all felt just about perfect after seeing Emma and Jonah!  It was an extra blessing in my day!


  1. Great post!! I don't know how many mornings in the past few months I've had to "reset" my day... God is soooo good!!!
