Our Daily (G)races

Training to be the best wife, mom, runner, and person I can be each and every day....

Monday, November 12, 2012

I have nothing

I have nothing today.  Today was a totally normal Monday and I am glad it is almost bedtime.  This momma is still tired from my weekend runs and I think still somewhat dehydrated.

So on to my thankful list for today:
1.  Veteran's Day was celebrated at Haude today, Emma and Jonah's school.  I took Samuel out of preschool early so we could all watch the program, which included Emma and Jonah singing.  It was a great presentation.  Two veterans spoke.  The kids did little skits that explained why Veterans are celebrated.  All the grades sang different patriotic songs.  It was lovely and I am so thankful Haude gave up instruction time to learn about history from people who helped shape history!

2.  My camera phone---seriously how did people survive without a camera phone?

3.  My crock-pot---I am a huge crock pot cooker.  Tonight's dinner was amazing and even better because I love soup.  Check out this site....A Year of Slow Cooking.  I have never ever made a bad thing!

4.  The cold front that blew in last night.  It finally feels like fall and I love it.  I even bought another fall candle today!  I might not love 40 degrees tomorrow morning at 5am, but I do at the moment!

5.  Getting the winter coats out of the closet and having them still fit everyone!  Whew because Jonah would have had a fit in the morning if he only had a sweatshirt to wear.

Today's picture is of the flags in Haude's front lawn.  It was windy again and I thought they just looked great!  Elena liked them too.

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